The Metro Viet News newspaper was established to serve the growing population of Vietnamese Americans in the Greater Philadelphia area. The paper is published by New Mainstream Press, who also operates Metro Chinese Weekly: the largest Chinese weekly in the area. The Philadelphia Vietnamese community is a vibrant community, which ranks as the second largest Asian-American population in the region. The Philadelphia population ranks ninth nationally and third on the east coast. Recently, the local banks, auto dealerships, and supermarkets have been impressed by the volume of businesses from the Vietnamese community.
The majority of Philadelphia’s Vietnamese population resides in South and Northeast Philadelphia, where Vietnamese businesses, stores, restaurants, and community organizations have been growing for decades. There are eight full-scale oriental supermarkets serving the Vietnamese customers in Philadelphia. Vietnamese Americans own and operate over 680 nail salons in the region.
You can digitally access Metro Viet News' top articles here.
Main Sections: Community News & Events, Health, Legal, Finance, Real Estate, Automotive, Foods, Entertainment, Family, Classifieds, etc...
Circulation:8,000 copies circulated among the Vietnamese American communities weekly.
Areas Served: The Greater Philadelphia Area (Eastern Pennsylvania, Southern Jersey, Central PA, Atlantic City)
Date Published: Friday of each week.
Ad Deadline: 4PM, Monday